Eco-Committee Action Plan

Our action plan identifies the goals and targets in a structured timetable for the reduction of environmental impacts taken from our environmental review.

The action plan contains realistic and quantifiable goals and targets in a table which is clear to read.

It holds individuals responsible for specific tasks and actions with a time scale for completion.

The action plan will be reviewed throughout the year and will be updated and evaluated when necessary.

It is available to read on the Eco-Committee notice board for the rest of the school community.  The action plan was also shared through the Eco-Committee assembly.

School Name:         Lisneal College

Eco-Schools Topics: 

Major Topic: Waste/Recycling

Minor Topic: Energy

Minor Topic: Litter


Date range of this plan:   September 2022 – September 2024




We agree to commit as a school to embed the reflective, robust and evidence-based Climate Resiliency Action Plan laid out below.