Intervention Strategies
One of the most important responsibilities we as a school have is providing pathways for children to succeed, to build on their individual strengths and indeed individual personalities. We have created an ethos of achievement and we use data tracking to ensure no one slips through the net.
We track our pupils four times a year. If a child is underachieving the Heads of Year, Form Teachers and Subject Teachers get together, analyse the information and, most importantly, we identify intervention strategies to set them back on track – strategies can include extra support in classes, additional support out of class in the case of English and Maths, guiding them towards on-line support, or simply encouragement to build confidence. When a child is underachieving we regard it is so important that any intervention is delivered in a positive way.
We keep a very close eye on the progress of each and every child. Our intervention strategies are tailored to each child, not just to their abilities but to their personality and their well-being.
Supported Learning
We have implemented a host of strategies to assist, encourage and motivate children who require a little extra attention and our learning support department has been identified as a model of good practice by ETI. Our teachers are vigilant to your child’s individual needs, however unusual or individualistic. We consider every teacher a Learning Support Teacher, not just those with a designated responsibility.
Our new Multi Sensory Room has proved particularly beneficial for children who have difficulties with social inclusion. This facility allows them ‘timeout’ when they need it and helps them re-enter the classroom with their concentration restored.
We operate a highly developed Dyslexia screening service. The Learning Support Department takes a layered approach to intervention ranging from in class support and withdrawal support to lunchtime literacy programs with Better Reading, Lexia programmes and a MangaClub.