Student Council 2024-2025

Lisneal’s Student Council comprises of pupils from each year group who have been elected by their peers to share their views. The entire focus of our council is to help our pupils develop their ‘pupil voice’. This means we are taking a whole-school commitment to listening to the views, wishes and experiences of all our young people. These elected representatives of the student body work alongside Miss Tracey to make positive changes in our school environment. Our student council can help the rest of their peers see that their opinions matter to us and that they are valued.

The student council supports our students in developing leadership skills and bringing to light the issues that are affecting them in school. Last term, our council tackled issues head on and created an action plan to make a change. This action plan included their recommendations for school improvement which were presented to members of SLT in March. The council hoped that their action plan would improve the school experience of each and every pupil. This action plan led to 3 water fountains being erected in school, painting work across the building and a push for an inclusive summer uniform for all students.

Lisneal’s student council aims to follow UNICEF’s ‘Rights Respecting School’ which means that whilst improving school life, they are also focused on improving our local community. To do this, they are organising fundraising events for charitable organisations of their choice. Last year our pupils raised money for and had a food drive for The Hope Centre.

Our 4 key aims as a student council are to ensure that our pupils:

  • Are healthier and happier in our school environment;
  • Feel safe at school;
  • Have better relationships with each other and our staff; and
  • Are active and involved in school life and their local community.


Council Members 2024-2025

Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
Izzy Campbell

Bobby Cunningham

Marcus Duncan

Caitlin Watson

Mark Duddy

Sam Jackson

Isa-Mae Lyle

Lily Swann

Andrew Cargill

Annalise Gailbraith

Patrycja Szczech

Year 11 Year 12 Year 13/14
Sarah Allen

Gabriella Burke

Gary Duddy

Amy Bodera

Rhys Konig McCombe

Callum Thompson

Cerys Hopper

Dylan McMullan

Jason McIvor

Jessica Robinson

Daniel Smith