Dear Parent/ Guardian
As we start the new academic year, I believe it necessary to remind pupils and parents/guardians of our school rules. Rules and policies are in place to ensure that every child is safe, provided with the best opportunity to succeed and that the standards we set for our students are met. Our school rules are available on our school website; however, I would like to use this opportunity to focus your attention on key school rules, so there is no confusion going forwards.
Mobile Phones– Mobile phones are permitted to be brought to school. However, mobile phones should NOT be used for any purpose whilst on the school campus, unless permission has been granted by a teacher. This rule takes consideration of child protection and data protection policies. If a mobile phone is visible, a member of staff may confiscate the device and send it to the school office. The phone will remain in school until a parent/guardian collects the device. Using the camera function or social media apps will be viewed as a serious breach of school rules. Parents are asked not to contact their child via mobile phone during the school day. Any messages should be sent via the school office. Likewise, pupils must also use the office to contact home.
Energy/Fizzy Drinks– Energy drinks are not permitted in school. Any fizzy drinks brought into school will be confiscated and parents will be asked to collect them at the end of the school day. A World Health Organisation report identified the following potential risks associated with energy drink consumption:
- caffeine overdose (which can lead to a number of symptoms, including palpitations, high blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, convulsions);
- type 2 diabetes – as high consumption of caffeine reduces insulin sensitivity;
- neurological and cardiovascular system effects in children and adolescents;
- sensation-seeking behaviour;
- use and dependence on other harmful substances;
- poor dental health;
- obesity. As adults we have a responsibility to ensure that our young people are provided with the best opportunity to thrive, enjoy a healthy and nutritious diet and perform well in school. Therefore, I am asking for you to support us by ensuring that your son/daughter does not bring fizzy drinks to school.
Chewing gum– Chewing gum is not permitted in school. Persistent infringement of the school rule will result in a school sanction.
Hoodies and other tops – Pupils must wear the correct uniform to school, in school and from school. Hoodies, zip tops and sweatshirt should NOT be worn. Last term there was an increase in the number of pupils wearing non-uniform tops under the school blazer. Pupils will be required to remove non-uniform tops when they arrive at school and sanctions may be used.
School shoes: Pupils must wear plain black shoes. White or coloured soles, motifs or laces should not be worn. Pupils have the option to wear soft soled ‘Vans’ type shoes if they wish; however, training shoes will not be accepted.
Jewellery– Pupils may wear a single small stud earring in each ear. Pupils are also permitted to wear a small nose stud. Rings/hoops/eyebrow and mouth piercings are not are not permitted. Pupils/parents must consider the school rules before getting a new piercing as those which do not meet the school standards will have to be removed. Pupils who breach the school rules may be removed from classes or face more serous sanctions.
Shirts/Ties– pupils are expected to wear ties neatly. The top button should be done and the tie worn at an appropriate length. An easy way to remember is ‘top button to belly-button’. Shirt tails should be tucked in at all times.
Hair colour– Hair must not be excessively dyed and should only consist of natural colours. Pupils who breach the rule may be removed from classes or face a more serious sanction.
Pupils arriving to school– once a pupil arrives to school either by bus, car, foot or bicycle, they must not go to any local shops. Pupils are regarded as being in our care once they have arrived at the school gate.
The school rules outlined above help staff to keep all children safe and promote high standards and expectations. As adults we all have a responsibility to help our young people form good habits that will help them to become happy, healthy respectful young men and women.
Yours sincerely,
M Allen