Paper Learning Packs

Dear Parent/Carer

Paper Learning Packs will be available for collection from school from Wednesday 3rd June until Friday 5th June (10am – 12pm) for pupils in Years 8-11. The packs are NOT intended to replace online and remote learning that many pupils are engaging well in; instead the packs are intended to provide learning opportunities for pupils who cannot, or are having trouble accessing Google Classroom and MySchool. Some pupils have expressed a preference for paper packs, so we have decided to take this into consideration.

Our teaching and non-teaching staff have worked hard to make the packs available, so please ensure you take advantage of our staff members’ efforts if your son/daughter finds online and remote learning difficult.

If you wish to collect a pack for your child then you are required to email us at, specifying the following information:

  • Child’s name
  • Year group
  • Subjects your son/daughter requires work for (Only applies to pupils in Year 11).
  • Date and time you will arrive at school for the learning pack.

When you come to collect work you must drive into the staff car park and follow the road in a clockwise direction to get to the side door. A member of staff will be on hand to take your details and place the work pack in your boot or back seat. Those collecting work are reminded that social distancing procedures must be observed.

Collection dates and times will be updated each Friday.

Take care,

Mr Allen