OUR REMEMBRANCE SERVICE – Today, the staff and pupils of Lisneal College paid tribute to those who fought and died so that we can enjoy our freedom today. The focus of our Remembrance Service was on the lives that were lost between the signing of the armistice at 5:12am and when the guns fell silent at 11am on 11.11.1918. The audience at our service learned about Lottie Mead and the women, ‘munitionettes’, who died in the manufacturing of bombs for the allied forces. Our choir sang ‘John Condon’ beautifully and our Head Girl, Amy, read a powerful poem by year 10 pupil Alice Magowan. Once again our students were incredibly dignified and respectful throughout. Many thanks to Mrs Flanagan and Ruth McPhillips for their support in preparing our choir, and Elliott and Hannah who represented the Combined Cadet Force. Thanks also to Keira Thompson for bringing in a piece of trench craft and a letter sent from the trenches by her great great uncle. Lest we forget. #WEARELISNEAL