On Friday evening we held our annual school formal in the White Horse Hotel. Once again our students and their guests made everyone in the Lisneal College family incredibly proud. It is fantastic to see how our once babies have developed into magnificent young people with the world at their feet. Many thanks to Mrs Loughery and her team of prefects and assistants who put the evening together. Thank you also to the staff who danced the night away with our pupils. To Oakgrove Integrated College and Lumen Christi College, your students did you amazingly proud and they were a joy to have at our formal. HUGE thanks to the staff at the WHITE HORSE HOTEL who, once again, showed amazing courtesy and respect to our students and staff. You did any amazing job and we wont forget that! Thank you to Mrs Quinn who never stopped photographing our pupils and staff all evening. #WEREALLYARETHEBESTYOUKNOW