Full Return To School

Dear Parent/Carer

All pupils will return to face to face learning on Monday 12th April. We are glad to see some return to normal school life; however, in order to ensure all pupils and staff are safe and the risk of Covid 19 being transmitted in school is limited a number of mitigations will remain in place:

  1. Students will continue to be taught in zones and will remain in year group bubbles during lessons and non-contact times.
  2. Lunch arrangements will follow the same pattern as before lockdown, i.e. food can be ordered in the morning to be delivered to the classrooms and a rota system to allow pupils to eat in the canteen at least once each week will be in place.
  3. Pupils must enter through their allocated entrance in the morning and go straight to form class.
  4. Face coverings are mandatory at all times unless a pupil is exempt. We understand that this could be challenging in classrooms, but we would ask all pupils and parents/carers to support us in this.
  5. The one way system will continue and hand sanitiser will be available throughout the building.
  6. Face coverings on buses are now mandatory and we are informed that EA/Translink will carry out spot checks on compliance.

The purpose of this letter is to help alleviate any worries or concerns about what is ahead. The teachers and staff are extremely understanding of the fact that students haven’t been in school for a very long time. It is important to us that you know we have given your child’s return to school a great deal of consideration with regard to planning so that they are fully supported and not overwhelmed.

We will all need to work together very closely during the coming weeks to ensure each child is given the opportunity to settle back into school and re-adapt to our routines. This will involve hard work, excellent attendance, punctuality, diligence and a positive attitude. We have the capacity here in school to get everyone through this but it is vital that you and your son/daughter are on board.

On return to school, full school uniform is a requirement. The normal school rules and procedures (particularly in relation to Covid 19 apply). For those of you who have experimented with radical hair colours and piercings during lockdown, it is important that regulations are adhered to on your return to school on 12th April. Pupils will be expected to comply with all school rules and standards, so please take any action necessary in regard to our school rules immediately. Pupils may wear their Lisneal PE kit to school on the days they have PE.

If you have any question, queries or concerns about any aspect of your return to school, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your form teacher, head of year or subject specific teacher.

We are all really looking forward to seeing our pupils again and will do everything we can to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Take care in the meantime, stay safe and we will see you on Monday 12th April.

Mr Allen.