We have now officially launched the Investors in Pupils’ award at Lisneal College. This award is an established national quality mark that recognises, develops and extends pupil voice and participation strategies for schools. This award recognises the continued effort of a school to ensure healthy relations between pupil-pupil and teacher-pupil, the development of pupil voice across all aspects of the school, target setting for raising achievement leading to greater pupil responsibility over their own learning and behaviour and it provides a powerful tool for developing a positive, whole school, team ethos. We have been taking many steps forward in school to ensure we are successful in gaining this award. Pupils were reminded of the key ideas behind this award and the important work it represents.
Investors in Pupils’ Award
Today we presented the new Student Council for 2017-18 with their badges and certificates in a whole school assembly to recognise their achievement in being voted onto the school council by their peers. As you can see they are thrilled to represent the pupil voice within our school and within their year group. We are excited to see these leaders will influence our school to make it even better.