Congratulations to Alicia

Lisneal College student Alicia has been honoured at a formal ceremony at Parliament Buildings, Stormont. Alicia from Newbuildings has been appointed Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet for the County of Londonderry.
She will be one of just twelve Lord Lieutenants’ Cadets appointed across Northern Ireland. The Cadets who are selected for the largely ceremonial year-long role can expect a busy year in office as they attend their respective Lord Lieutenants on major civic occasions. In recognition of their role, they are entitled to wear a special insignia on their uniforms throughout their year in office.

The Citation which accompanies her appointment says of Alicia, “Her turnout and bearing are of the highest standard and she presents herself as an excellent role model. Alicia’s attendance and participation in cadet activities is exemplary.”

In her Cadet career Alicia has successfully represented her company in first aid, tag rugby and military skills competitions. A keen and capable markswoman, she attends all company and battalion shooting training and, following the completion of a demanding coaching course, now trains the young cadets in her detachment.

Alicia is photographed receiving the certificate which marks her appointment from Sir Denis Desmond KCVO CBE, Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant for the County of Londonderry.