Video Clip of our Whole School Celebration
National Thank a Teacher Day
What a show of appreciation for ALL STAFF at Lisneal College on National Thank a Teacher Day 2021. Well done to our pupils for the effort they went to in celebrating this event.
NI Water Service Donation
We are extremely pleased that NI Water Service have kindly donated a Water Butt to our Geography department. This piece of specialist equipment will be used by Mrs Mullan, Miss Mitchell and our Green Team as they work hard to look after our school environment.
Active Learning in Science
A Delicious Gift
Today, this amazing cake was presented to staff for our efforts over the past year. We were a bit taken aback, to be honest, by such an unexpected gesture. Thank you very much to the Gilchrist family for their generosity. The cake is almost too good to eat……..almost.
Sibling Rivalry
Not often a brother gets one over on his big sister; however, bragging rights in the McHugh house go to Tom who was on the winning side in today’s game against Foyle College. Hopefully Tom will achieve the double tomorrow as he faces off against his twin sister who also plays for Foyle. We are rooting for you, Tom. #TEAMLISNEAL
Jogging 50 Miles in March
We were delighted to welcome Children in Crossfire into our school recently to receive a substantial amount of money raised by our pupils, parents and staff; who successfully JOGGED 50 MILES IN MARCH. Well done to everyone who participated in the challenged and a special mention must go to Miss O’Kane for her wonderful work in promoting the challenge and encouraging whole school participation. #WeAreLisneal #LikeNoOther