Dear Parent/Guardian
Lisneal College has an approved two class specialist provision for learning operating over Key Stages 3 and 4 and an established temporary Autism provision class for Key Stage 3. The Education Authority wish to expand on this provision with the establishment of two Autism classes across Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. This will ensure that children with requiring specific learning support and support for Autism can be provided for seamlessly throughout their time in Lisneal College. If the proposal is approved we are confident that our school will be resources to support the growing number of children choosing to attend our school who require additional support.
Therefore, I am asking parents to complete the short consultation response that will allow us to progress with the expansion of our provision. I have also attached a link to the Draft Framework that outlines why Lisneal College has been selected for Autism Specific provision expansion and how we meet the criteria for selection. I would be grateful if you could spare one minute of your time to support our children and our school.
Link to response
Link to framework
Kindest regards,
M Allen