Today Lisneal College hosted a Jerusalem delegation, comprising of a number of Arab and Jewish Principals. Their visit focused on the benefits of a collaborative and shared approach to education. It was such an enjoyable day for all involved and allowed us to highlight the difference that school partnerships are making to the lives of young people within our city. MAKING A DIFFERENCE
Over the last number of months Owen, Megan, Rachael and Laurie have been working on 3 murals which promote the value of education across the city. #TeamLisneal worked with St. Cecilia’s College, St. Mary’s College, St. Joseph’s Boys’ School and Marty Edwards to design and complete the art work. The murals can be seen on the big shop in Caw/Nelson Drive, The Old Library Trust in Creggan and the Glen Road. Huge thanks go to Linda Watson and the Housing Executive for their support and funding for the project. We hope you enjoy our pupils’ efforts! #WEARELISNEAL
BIG SHOUT OUT to Cameron, one of our Yr13 pupils, on her phenomenal achievement at Girls’ Brigade. This morning she received her letter of confirmation that she is to be presented with the prestigious ‘QUEEN’S AWARD’ at the Guildhall next month.
The Queen’s Award is highest Award a girl may gain during her years in Girls’ Brigade. Cameron worked incredibly hard for 2 years, demonstrating (1) Leadership skills, (2) Commitment, (3) In depth knowledge of the Girls’ Brigade organisation, (4) Community spirit and good citizenship and (5) Faith in action.
Mr Allen, the staff and the entire pupil population at Lisneal College wish to congratulate Cameron on her achievement. We are certainly PROUD AS PUNCH! Very well done.
Children in Crossfire Colour Run for Mother’s Day ❤️ Well done to our #TeamLisneal ‘Colour Team’ who spent their morning participating in this fantastic event and loved every second! What a glorious morning they got for it too. WE ARE LISNEAL #LikeNoOther
EWE are not going to believe this! Year 9 pupil Russell made the front page of FARM WEEK after one of his prize ewes gave birth to 6 (yes 6) lambs. Russell is a skilled farmer, and he helped his dad and brother Ryan deliver all 6 lambs safe and sound. Well done to the Kellys and Big Dolly the sheep- just one off a world record. Not baaaaad eh? Sorry! Wool you forgive the jokes!
SHINE BRIGHT is a Start-Your-Own-Business initiative formed by a group of our pupils at #TeamLisneal. All members of Shine Bright have worked together throughout the year to design, produce and sell jewellery within school and at various market stalls. The pupils have been financially successful in this venture and intend to spend their profit on an enjoyable trip to the Bowling Alley! A great reward for their hard work. WE ARE LISNEAL
To our Yr11 & Yr12 pupils who completed their Mock Examinations this week – very well done! Your hard work, determination and achievement to date is a credit to you all and we are very proud of your progress. Success is coming your way. TEAM LISNEAL.
SHARED EDUCATION LLW – On Wednesday our Yr8 pupils participated in an active, collaborative LLW lesson that celebrated the diversity that exists in our beautiful city. The lesson was a finale that allowed pupils from all 3 schools to showcase the ‘Shared Learning’ that has taken place in previous lessons. It was a wonderful effort on everyone’s part and the pupils are to be congratulated on their fantastic research and presentations that were so difficult to judge. Many thanks to the LLW teachers from all 3 schools for allowing our pupils to benefit from their shared learning in this subject. #MakingADifference
PAPIER MACHE FUN – Our Yr8 pupils just love practical work in Art. Pictured are a few pupils displaying their paper mache fish, in the early ‘construction stage’ of their project. All Yr8 pupils are making great use of recycled materials when completing their projects #LC6 #CoreValueNo4 #Responsibility. Keep your eyes peeled for photos of the completed ‘works of art’ that we will post in a few weeks time! WE ARE LISNEAL
WOW – Pictured are our Yr8 Hockey team before a friendly game, played against Foyle College today. Don’t they look the part? Miss Brown was utterly delighted at their skilled performance with a draw secured, which was indeed appropriate to the friendly spirit of fun and learning that was enjoyed by all. We can’t wait to see what the future has in store for this promising team.